And, if you want, Heavy Boobs XL Slider also works with both of those to make larger breasts. Keep in mind HFO's Chest Width slider only affects the chest (like a male's chest), and not the breasts. Also, when using it with Cmar's slider, you need to grab the shoulder blades when the sim is facing 3/4 backwards. S3Z’s Increased Slider Limit (older version) He posted about it at MTS here. That’s the extent of my knowledge on the hack. If it’s not working for you when you download my sims, you could also try Awesome Mod. Mac and devin go to highschool download. I believe it has an increased slider limit option as well. Jonha also has a sliderhack for people using TS3 v1.8 or WA v2.3 You. List of cracked magazine movie spoofs disney. This is for the sim lovers that dont have sims 3 Late night. Special thanks to modthesims (as usual) and Johna the creator of the slider:) Included are: Breast (female teen-elder) Waist (all ages and genders) Hip Size (all ages and genders) Butt (both genders, teen-elder). CAS Sliders (Breast, Hip, Waist, Butt, Head and more) - These are a must-have if you want to built and sculpt your sims body. More CAS Sliders (Eye Width, Neck Height, Shoulder Height, Jaw line Width, Brows thickness) - Another must-have.
This is for the sim lovers that dont have sims 3 Late night. Special thanks to modthesims (as usual) and Johna the creator of the slider :)Sims 4 Body Sliders
- Breast (female teen-elder)
- Waist (all ages and genders)
- Hip Size (all ages and genders)
- Butt (both genders, teen-elder)
- Head Size (all ages and genders)
- Shoulder Width (all ages and genders, was experimental before)
- Neck (all ages and genders)
- Chest (all ages and genders)
- Leg width (all ages and genders)
- Calf (all ages and genders)