Ichigo returns home and becomes furious with Kon, who has brought back the green-haired girl. While the survey is going on, Mayuri and Kenpachi are confronted by an intense light emerging from the walls of the Dangai. As Ichigo and Rukia return through the Dangai to the Soul Society, they are chased by the supposedly revived Kōtotsu. A typical Japanese sword has a length from the tip to the tsuba of around 27-29'. The Ichigo Bankai sword, on the other hand, measures in at a whopping 49' (48' nagasa, as Japanese swords are traditionally measured from the back notch of the blade collar to the tip).
The Ichigo Bankai sword, a faithful but purely decorative replica of the extremely long bladed Nodachi seen in the popular anime series Bleach, is an interesting piece..
True enough, due to its length, it is extremely unwieldy and while historically there were some extremely long Japanese swords like this one, they were almost always used for ceremonial purposes, being simply too long to be of any real practical use.
In this hands on review, we will take a closer look at this sword, identifying strengths and weaknesses and letting you decide if it is something you want to spend your hard earned money on.
Ichigo Bankai Sword Review
Review by SBG Editor in Chief, Paul Southren
The Ichigo Bankai Sword has at least two things going for it: it's amazing length/size and its price point (often available for just under $50).
I simply cannot over-emphasize how BIG this sword really is - so here is an image to give you some idea, comparing it at the tsuba (hand-guard) of a standard length Katana.
Two things become immediately apparent. It is almost TWICE as long as a standard Katana, and has a considerably straighter blade than a standard Japanese sword, though still has some curvature as you can see below.
A typical Japanese sword has a length from the tip to the tsuba of around 27-29'. The Ichigo Bankai sword, on the other hand, measures in at a whopping 49' (48' nagasa, as Japanese swords are traditionally measured from the back notch of the blade collar to the tip).
Another thing that sets it apart from most other swords is the black power coated finish and lack of a temper line/hamon - imitation or otherwise. That and the fact that it is actually made of 1045 carbon steel, as confirmed by a simple magnet test.
But if you have read our basic guide to to the difference between functional and decorative swords, you will know just because a sword is made from carbon steel does not mean it is a battle ready blade. It also needs to be tempered, and full tang at the very least, and the Ichigo Bankai sword ticks only one of the three boxes as is immediately apparent by how the blade sags slightly under its own weight when held horizontally..
For under fifty bucks, this really is no huge surprise - the cost of tempering such a blade would easily triple or quadruple the price. And as it is not marketed as 'battle ready' is no big deal.
The edge is, as expected, unsharpened. Being made from carbon steel, it could theoretically be sharpened if so desired, but it is not a good idea due to the lack of tempering..
While very long, the blade is not very wide or thick and is essentially machine stamped from a sheet of steel, powder coated and then assembled to the fittings.
That said, it still LOOKS quite impressive and, if well mounted on a wall or carried to a cosplay convention, garners some attention.
The Hilt
The tsuba is cast zinc aluminium and not very strong, but was well fitted. True to the anime, it is not - as some might suspect, a nazi swaztika, but an ancient Buddhist symbol commonly seen at temples and holy sites througout East Asia.
One thing I really did like about the Ichigo Bankai sword was the habaki (blade collar) which fits the blade and tsuba assembly quite snugly and is quite ornate, with flower patterns and lines.
Like the blade itself, the tsuka (handle) is oversized, approx 16' long and - unlike the blade itself and the rat tail tang inside, actually feels quiet solid.
Wrapped with the cheapest rayon ito over red, sythnetic rayskin, it will win no prizes for aesthetics or functionality and was clearly done quickly in a non traditional way (traditional ito alternates in the way it is tied).
The 'diamond' shape of the wrap is quite uneven in many areas, though is quite tight.
A small, brass 'menuki' ornament is a nice touch, and seems to be of a Koi fish, at least as far as I can tell.
The complete lack of mekugi pegs, which are traditionally used as brakes keeping the handle in place, clearly shows that it was never meant to be disassembled and is fairly typical on a purely decorative piece with a hidden (rat tail) tang.
True to the original Ichigo Bankai sword, the hilt assembly is completed by a length of blackened chain attached to the end cap which feels a bit fragile, but will stay on if treated gently and not caught on something.
Overall, especially when you consider the price point and its purpose, there is nothing really 'wrong' with this replica so far. And for display or cosplay purposes, as long as it is handled carefully, it achieves it stated goal as an interesting, decorative piece..
However, the somewhat 'floppy' blade made me wonder exactly just how far the Ichigo Bankai sword could hold up to a little use, even if it was just to swing around like in the anime series..
So I geared up with a little face protection and planned a few basic tests..
My main concern was that if this sword was swung in earnest, the rat tail tang would snap and the blade would come flying out. Considering it is not very thick or very sharp, it would - at least - not be the infamous 'flying helicopter of death' but it is still obviously not something that you want to happen..
So I decided to give it a good shake from side to side to see:
A) If the hilt assembly would hold and
B) What the tempering (or lack of it) would do..
The result? Well, it speaks for itself..
As you can see, the tempering failed surprisingly early.. Just one swing and it is almost bent to 90 degrees (luckily, it is easy to straighten out).
So in conclusion..
It is a pretty faithful replica of the Ichigo Bankai Sword. It is cheap, it LOOKS very impressive - but it does not come even close to anything more than a purely decorative piece..
While still good value for money, the fact that it cannot even be swung once without folding in upon itself is a pretty serious limitation. But at least, it is quite safe..
While widely available, the best place to get one of these swords is HERE at Trueswords where you can pick it up for just $49.99
We hope this review of the Ichigo Bankai Sword was helpful. To return to Anime Swords from Ichigo Bankai Sword Review, click here
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Chapter 22 - The Dangai
Please keep sending faves, follows, and reviews
Disclaimer: Still applies
[Visored Hideout, Karakura Town]
Naruto, who was in his Soul Reaper form, Ichigo, who was in his Bankai form, and Kurama stood at the entrance to the Visoreds Hideout early in the morning with Shinji. Ichigo shook hands with the Visored.
'Thanks for everything, Shinji. I'll never forget what you and other Visoreds did for us,' Ichigo said.
'It was nothing, Ichigo; actually, to be honest, we really didn't do much. Anyways, are you sure you don't want to-?' Shinji began before the three people before him suddenly vanished.
'Sheesh it's like Ichigo knew what I was going to ask before I even finished. Why he still refuses to join us I'll never know,' Shinji thought to himself before he reentered the warehouse.
[Kurosaki Residence]
A Few Minutes Later...
'We're finally home,' Ichigo said as he and his two companions approached the Substitute's house. Kurama sighed at this.
'No... you're finally home, Ichigo. (Points to Naruto, then himself) We not from around here, remember?' he pointed out.
'I know that already.- I'm beginning to think that Kurama acts like such a know-it-all on purpose just to annoy me and Naruto- You don't have to point that out to me,' Ichigo snapped back, irritated by the Tailed Beast's remark.
Kurama simply shrugged at Ichigo's comment before the Kurosaki opened the door to his house... and a fist to his face. As Ichigo grabbed his nose bleeding nose he looked in front of him and was surprised to see that it wasn't his dad who punched him this time around.
'Tatsuki?! - So Naruto was right; Tatsuki and my other friends from school are able to see me in form - What the hell was that for?!' Ichigo asked.
Tatsuki, who was clearly pissed off, simply grabbed Ichigo shihakusho in response.
'That was for leaving all of us like that; do you realize how worried we were about you? You even made Yuzu cry!' Tatsuki yelled out as Ichigo, who took notice of the pained look in his friend's eyes, thought of the things that led to this point.
Shortly before the Espada had attacked Karakura Town a little more than a month earlier Naruto had told Ichigo about how the Substitute Soul Reaper's friends and family (minus, Chad, Uryu, Orihime, and his dad of course) were now able to see spirits. Naruto had learned about this after an incident where he had to protect a couple of them from a hollow attack. While Naruto didn't tell them what was going as he promised Ichigo that he would keep his friends from getting involved he did agree to Tatsuki's request to have Ichigo tell them the truth.
Ichigo, though reluctant to do so initially out of concern for the safety of his friends and his sisters, began to have a change of heart when Naruto told him about how he had done the same thing with his friends and that It was beginning to weigh down on him. The last straw was when he lost control of his Inner Hollow during the Espada's invasion. After Ichigo regained control of himself, thanks to the young Uzumaki, he decided that he couldn't leave his friends and younger sisters in the dark anymore and had Naruto, or his shadow clone to be more precise, and Orihime send a message to his dad to tell everyone to go to his house in a month, which was the time it would take for Ichigo to finish his Visored training, so he could finally explain everything to them. After having left everyone in the dark for so long, however, Ichigo wasn't surprised by this at all.
The young Kurosaki simply sighed at Tatsuki's outburst.
'Tatsuki, I... (he sighs)... I'm really sorry for what I did to you guys; I promise, though, I'll explain everything now,' Ichigo said, trying to calm his classmate down.
Somehow it actually worked as Tatsuki finally released her grip on Ichigo.
'No... it's alright, Ichigo; I know you had your reasons for you did. It was just really frustrating that you left everyone like that. If anything, though, you should be apologizing to everyone else, especially Yuzu and Karin,' she said.
Ichigo nodded in response to this before he and Tatsuki, along with Naruto and Kurama, entered the house.
Several Hours Later...
'So are we all on the same page?' Kurama asked the group of people sitting in the living room.
In response to this one of Ichigo's classmates, a black-haired and green-eyed guy named Mizuiro, looked at everyone in the room briefly before he nodded in response.
'I think so, Kurama.'
The Tailed Beast sighed in relief at hearing this as he thought that they would never finish.
After his little conversation with Tatsuki ended Ichigo, along with Naruto and Kurama, entered the house where the group Ichigo had called for was waiting for him. Besides Tatsuki and Mizuiro there were a few others in the group including Yuzu, Karin, and two more of Ichigo's friends from school, Chizuru and Keigo who were also present; Ichigo's dad, meanwhile, went to see Kisuke and told his son. as well as Naruto and Kurama, to go to Urahara's shop when they were done.
The young Kurosaki then began the very long process of explaining everything to the group; the Soul Reapers, Hollows, the incident with Rukia, Aizen's plans, and so forth. That part of the explanation actually only took about an hour; most of the time was spent explaining who Naruto and Kurama really were and their role in what was happening. Eventually Kurama had to take over the conversation and even then it took a long time for Ichigo's friends and sisters to comprehend what he had said (Kurama had an especially hard time convincing the group that he was really a giant kitsune who was in the form of a human which took half an hour to do).
Keigo, who was surprisingly quiet the entire time, finally spoke.
'But if your world is as dangerous as you say it is why are you so willing to go back, Naruto?' Keigo asked, though he already had a pretty good idea as to why the young Uzumaki would do that.
'Because I have friends there who are precious to me there and things that I have to do and, even if I didn't have either of those things, it's still my home so I can't just turn my back to it,' Naruto answered.
This only confirmed what every spiritually-aware being in Karakura Town had already learned: Naruto was a lot like the orange-haired Substitute Soul Reaper sitting next to him, despite the former's upbeat, childish, personality.
After several minutes of silence Naruto spoke up.
'If you guys don't have anything else to ask I think that's it. (He turns to Ichigo) we should probably go meet up with your dad now, Ichigo.'
'That's the plan, Naruto,' Ichigo said as he got up from the couch.
Ichigo's friends and sisters were taken aback by this.
'W-wait a minute, Ichigo; where are you going?' Yuzu asked worriedly.
Ichigo took a deep breath before he turned to face his two sisters.
'I'm still not strong enough to fight Aizen; dad said that there was a way for me to gain that strength. (He turns to Keigo) I know it's a bit sudden but I don't know how long I be gone for so could you please-?' Ichigo began to ask before Tatsuki interrupted.
'Don't worry about it, Ichigo; my family and I will take care of Yuzu and Karin for you and your old man. Before you go, Ichigo, can I ask a favor of you?' Tatsuki asked.
Tatsuki continued when Ichigo remained quiet.
'Kick this Aizen guy's ass for us, would you?' she asked her longtime friend.
Ichigo, who was now smirking at this, promised to do so and, after a giving his thanks, finally said his goodbyes before left for Urahara's shop with Naruto and Kurama in tow.
[Urahara's Shop]
A Few Minutes Later...
It was around noon when the trio arrived at the small candy and entered the underground training area where Kisuke, Yoruichi, and Isshin were waiting for them.
'You guys took your sweet time,' Yoruichi said nonchalanty.
Kurama sighed at this.
'It took us a lot longer to explain everything to Ichigo's friends and sisters than we thought,' Kurama pointed out.
At this point Isshin turned his attention to his son.
'Are you sure you're willing to go through with this, Ichigo?' he asked.
Ichigo felt his eye twitch as a result of his dad's question.
'This was YOUR idea, dad, so don't give me that crap; in any case I wouldn't be here if I wasn't sure about this,' Ichigo snapped back, to which Isshin shrugged.
'I just had to be sure, son. (He turns to Kisuke) You can open the portal to the Dangai now, Kisuke,' Isshin said.
Kisuke, who was standing next to an improvised Senkaimon, then opened the gate with a quiet incantation before turning his attention to Naruto and Ichigo
'Good luck to the both of you with your training; just try to avoid getting killed while you're inside the Dangai, ok?' Kisuke warned.
Kurama raised an eyebrow at this.
'You're not coming?' he asked.
'Tessai and I have to keep an eye on things here; besides, with both your dad and Yoruichi tagging along with you, someone has to help your friends and the other Soul Reapers here,' Kisuke pointed out.
Before Ichigo could say anything in response, however, Naruto cut the conversation short.
'Then what are waiting for?! Let's go already!' Naruto yelled out before he charged into the Dangai, briefly surprising everyone else (minus Kurama).
'I guess it's time then,' Ichigo said after he as he and Kurama followed their blonde-haired companion into the portal. Isshin and Yoruichi entered the portal moments later and a few minutes before said portal closed behind them.
Kisuke, who was now alone inside of the massive underground cavern, looked on at the closed Senkaimon.
'I hope you two are ready... because things are going to get much more difficult from here on out,' Kisuke said to himself he walked back to his shop.
[The Dangai]
A Few Minutes Later...
After Ichigo and the others managed to catch up to Naruto the group ran through the Dangai for a short while before Isshin told to the group to stop. Isshin then briefly scanned the area before turning his attention to the group.
'It looks like Kisuke's plan worked; I can't sense the Cleaner's presence,' Isshin stated.
Naruto was confused by Isshin's comment.
'What are you talking about, Mr. Goat Beard?' Naruto asked.
Isshin let out a heavy sigh before he replied.
'I guess you don't know, do you? This is where you and Ichigo are to begin the next step of your training,' Isshin explained.
After Ichigo had was able to use his Hollowfication for three days straight he and Naruto were to immediately continue with the next stage of their training; Ichigo was to try to learn something that Isshin referred to as the 'Final Getsuga Tensho' after which Naruto was to begin his Bankai training. The young Uzumaki was curious to what this Final Getsuga Tensho was but Kurama, for unknown reasons, manage to talk his jinchuriki out if questioning Isshin about this technique.
The trio had been under the impression that their training would occur in the Soul Society as that was their destination so this revelation naturally took the threesome by surprise.
'We're training here? Why can't we just train in the Soul Society?' Naruto asked. At this point Yoruichi decoded to add her first two cents (or Kan in this case) to the conversation.
'Well we could do that but this is a much better place to do it, Naruto,' Yoruichi said in an almost taunting manner.
Realizing that Naruto was still not convinced Isshin reentered the conversation.
'There's a reason that both you and Ichigo are training here,' Isshin began.
Isshin proceeded to explain that the time in the Dangai, due to its unusual makeup, moves 2,000 faster than it does anywhere else which means that they can train both Ichigo and Naruto in the Dangai for three months and only an hour would have passed in both the World of the Living and the Soul Society; the Kurosaki patriarch also mentioned that this difference in time was why the Current and the Cleaner had been created. Isshin then explains that they will use this accelerated flow of time to their advantage and have Ichigo and Naruto undergo the next stage of their train here.
At this point Ichigo entered the conversation.
'Wait a minute, Dad; how can we train here with the Cleaner coming through once a week?' Ichigo asked.
Naruto already knew what Ichigo was referring to; when he first arrived in Karakura Town he, along with Ichigo and the members of Toshiro's advance team, had barely managed to outrun the Cleaner and only did so because he had used his Nine-Tails Chakra Mode to give him a boost. He also wondered how Isshin and Yoruichi planned to deal with the creature, for lack of a better term.
A smirk appeared on Isshin's face before answered his question.
'You're right about that; there's nothing we can do to stop the Cleaner. Of course there's nothing stopping us from moving it somewhere else,' Isshin said.
This only confused Ichigo and Naruto further so Yoruichi reentered the conversation.
'Kisuke had requested permission from the Head Captain to allow you two to train here and managed to get it. He also managed to move the Cleaner into a pocket dimension outside of the Dangai; otherwise we'd be running for our lives right about now. So we don't have to worry about the Cleaner. As for the Current... that's something we can deal with,' Yoruichi explained as both she and Isshin pulled something out of their sleeves.
Kurama raised an eyebrow when he saw that both Soul Reapers were now holding forked blades, eight in total, connected by ropes that both Isshin and Yoruichi wrapped around their wrists before they threw said blades at the walls of the Dangai, with four blades embedded in both walls.
'What are those things?' he asked.
'These things? Well-' Isshin began.
He then explained that he and Yoruichi were going to use something called Kaikyō Kotei to stop the Current; he also explained that with both his and Yoruichi's spiritual pressure they could keep the Current at bay for at least 4,000 hours... which meant that Ichigo and Naruto had almost 6 months to complete their training the Dangai.
Ichigo smirked at this.
'If that's the case then quit with your lesson and let's do this already!' he yelled.
'My thoughts exactly,' Isshin said in a smug tone before he told Ichigo how to begin...
Three Months in the Dangai...
An irritated Naruto was pacing back and forth through the space in the Dangai between Isshin and Yoruichi.
'How long is that idiot going to take to finish? It's been a few months already and he's still hasn't woken up from that blated Jinzen,' he said to himself as he kept an eye on Ichigo.
Said Soul Reaper, who was in a deep trance, was now seated on the floor with his legs crossed in a meditative pose, with the blade of his bankai lying on his lap.
Kurama, who was sitting on the floor pretending to take a nap, mentally sighed at his jinchuriki's ranting.
'I wonder if Naruto has even noticed the changes in Ichigo's appearance; given his current temperament it's highly unlikely,' the Tailed Beast thought to himself as he turned his gaze to the Substitute.
'I guess Yoruichi was right; the changes to a person's physical body when inside the Dangai really is determined by a person's power,' the Tailed Beast whispered to himself as he noted the changes to everyone's appearances.
Ichigo' had changed a bit due to the accelerated aging that was the result of having been in the Dangai for so long; his hair had gotten longer, easily reaching his shoulders, and more unruly while he had also gotten taller, easily reaching six feet in height.
Isshin and Yoruichi, meanwhile, had changed even less than that; Isshin had grown a beard while Yoruichi's hair had grown a few inches longer. As the Dangai's accelerated aging did not affect beings of pure energy Kurama, who was simply a being of pure Chakra with a physical form, still looked the same as he did when he first entered the Dangai. Naruto, who had three different sources of power (his spiritual energy, his chakra, and Kurama's chakra as it was still partly mixed in with Naruto's) that could alter his appearance within the Dangai, was a different matter entirely.
Like his orange-haired counterpart Naruto had only grow a few inches taller, meaning that he was now a six footer like Ichigo, and he now had a slightly more muscular build than he had before. One of the most drastic changes to Naruto's appearance was his hair which had grown so long that it now reached as far back as the small of Naruto's back and was a bit shaggier than it was before, along with the two strands of hair framing the sides of his face that went just below the collarbones. The last change to Naruto's appearance, and easily the most unusual, were his eyes; while they were still the same sky blue that they had always been his pupils had now become permanently slitted even when he's not using Kurama's chakra, very much like how they appeared during Naruto's battle with Kakuzu.
As Kurama thought about how long the group has been in the Dangai for Naruto's appearance to have changed he almost failed to hear said ninja as he backed away from Ichigo.
'Umm, guys... I think Ichigo might've finally done it,' he said to which caused Kurama, Isshin, and Yoruichi to turn their attention to the young Kurosaki.
Everyone's eyes widened when they saw that a mysterious pitch-black aura had now enveloped Ichigo. Then, before anyone could react, the aura quickly spread throughout the Dangai, enveloping everyone in darkness...
[Ichigo's Inner World]
Ichigo was standing above the submerged version of Karakura Town that his spiritual state had become with a white version of his bankai's blade with a black tsuba sticking through his chest. Wielding the blade was none other than the spirit of his zanpakuto's bankai, Tensa Zangetsu (or Tensa for short), who had merged with Ichigo's Inner Hollow And whose appearance had been drastically altered as a result.
If anyone else had been watching this scene it would've looked as though Ichigo had been defeated by his zanpakuto spirit; the reality, however, was much more complicated.
'So you've finally figured it out, Ichigo. The only way to acquire the Final Getsuga Tensho... is to finally accept my blade,' Tensa Zengetsu said as if he were congratulating his wielder.
'...I don't feel any pain,' Ichigo pointed out.
'Of course not. I, Tensa Zangetsu, am simply a part of you. If you accept me... then there can be no pain in being pierced by my blade.'
After saying this Tensa began to do something that surprised Ichigo: he began to cry.
'Why are you crying?' he asked.
'Do you remember what I said at the beginning of the fight? That what you want to protect is not the same as what I want to protect?' Tensa asked.
Ichigo lowered his head as his expression turned solemn before he answered Tensa.
Tensa lifted his head slightly, enough so that he could look Ichigo dead in the eye.
'What I wanted to protect... was you, Ichigo,' Tensa said.
This revelation surprised Ichigo but also left him confused.
'What do you mean?'
'The answer to that question will be conveyed through this blade, along the technique's secrets,' Tensa explained as he released his grip on the sword, which was still stuck in Ichigo's chest, as he began to drift away from Ichigo.
Before he disappeared into darkness, however, Tensa imparted one last warning to the Substitute Soul Reaper.
'These are my final words for you:If you use this technique, you will lose all of your Soul Reaper powers. Farewell... Ichigo,' Tensa warned Ichigo before the latter was enveloped by a pitch-black aura.
Despite what he said, however, this would not be the last Ichigo would see of his zanpakuto spirit...
With Naruto and the Others...
After a few minutes of being trapped in darkness Naruto and the others were surprised when the black aura surrounding Ichigo suddenly dispersed. Everyone now turned their gaze to the young Kurosaki and were slightly surprise by what they saw.
Ichigo's bankai undergone a few changes. Ichigo's blade, which was still in its bankai state for the moment, was still in the form of a black daitō blade with a manji-shaped tsuba the four prongs now extend farther out than they previously had and were now more abstract and slender in their appearance. The chain attached to base of the hilt had been lengthened; it now spiraled up the entire length of Ichigo's now sleeveless right arm while another part of the chain was now hanging down freely from his upper arm. In addition to the new blade Ichigo now wore a black metal gauntlet that covered Ichigo's right hand and much of his forearm.
The slight changes to Ichigo's zanpakuto was not what caught the attention of either Isshin or Yoruichi.
'I guess his Final Getsuga Tensho is on a level way above mine if I can't even sense his spiritual pressure...' Isshin thought to himself as Ichigo finally stood up, blade in hand.
At this point Naruto and Kurama walked up to his orange-haired counterpart.
'Naruto... Kurama...' Ichigo breathed out.
'You really had me worried for a moment; you got so much spiritual pressure now I actually thought that your Inner Hollow was taking over again,' Naruto said with his usual grin on his face.
Kurama then added his two Kan to the conversation
'So you finally did it, huh? With the amount spiritual pressure you have now I guess it was worth waiting on our asses for three months. Anyway... it looks like he's now out of your league, Naruto,' Kurama chided.
Ichigo Fullbring
'Shut up, Kurama!' both Ichigo and Naruto yelled out in annoyance while Isshin looked on.
'...though it looks like Naruto and Kurama can sense Ichigo's power just fine...' Isshin finished thinking to himself as he readied himself for the Naruto's training...
Next Time - The Past and Present: Naruto's Bankai Training
Ichigo Kurosaki Age
A/N: I'm going to begin writing chapters for 'Kitsune of Las Noches' (or 'Kitsune' for short) again once I've posted this chapter so I'll be using the old method of alternating between each story as far as updates are concerned (Example: After posting this chapter I'll start working on chapter 27 of 'Kitsune' and, when I finish that chapter, I'll work on chapter 23 of 'Maelstrom' and so forth). Anyways I hope you've enjoyed this chapter and I also hope to hear your thoughts on it real soon!